Learn Spanish in Medellin | Best Medellin Language Schools | Lessons

Where to Learn Spanish in Medellin?

Colombia has significantly improved its reputation over the last few years, attracting more and more people not only for tourism but also for learning Spanish. Personally, I find Colombian Spanish very easy to understand, as Colombians speak slowly and clearly (with the exception of those from the coast). This makes it suitable for both advanced speakers and beginners.

Why Learn Spanish in Medellin?

The easy-to-understand Spanish is certainly not the only reason why studying in Medellin is a good idea. There are plenty of other compelling reasons to consider studying here. Known as the City of Eternal Spring, Medellin offers perfect weather year-round with moderate temperatures. Additionally, the city boasts a plethora of activities and attractions. Many of these activities are also offered by local schools and universities.

Medellin and its surroundings have great things to see and do. Some schools offer beautiful day trips to places like Guatape and Santa Fe de Antioquia, two of the most picturesque villages in the nearby area. Another important factor is the vibrant nightlife. Students who study hard should also have the opportunity to enjoy themselves, and Medellin certainly provides that.

Moreover, the people of Medellin are incredibly friendly and welcoming. Colombians will often try to help you and engage you in friendly conversation whenever they can. Here are some more reasons why you should take Spanish lessons in Medellin:

Cultural Richness: Medellín’s unique Paisa culture offers learners a deep dive into the customs, traditions, and daily life of Colombians, enriching the language learning experience beyond the classroom.

Innovative Learning Methods: Spanish schools in Medellín employ innovative and interactive teaching methods, emphasizing conversation, cultural immersion, and practical application of the language.

Diverse Learning Environments: From bustling urban centers to tranquil neighborhoods, Medellín offers a variety of settings for Spanish schools, catering to different lifestyles and learning preferences.

Selecting the Right Spanish School in Medellín

When searching for the best Spanish school in Medellín, consider the following factors to ensure the school aligns with your learning goals:

  • Accreditation and Reputation: Look for schools with a strong reputation and accredited programs to guarantee high-quality Spanish lessons. Testimonials and reviews from past students can provide valuable insights.
  • Class Sizes and Composition: Smaller class sizes ensure personalized attention, while a diverse student composition offers opportunities for cultural exchange.
  • Curriculum and Teaching Approach: Ensure the school offers a curriculum that matches your proficiency level and learning objectives, whether you’re a beginner or looking to achieve fluency. Schools that incorporate cultural activities and excursions offer a more immersive learning experience.
  • Location and Facilities: Consider the school’s location within Medellín and its facilities. A convenient location and comfortable learning environment can enhance your overall experience.
  • Flexibility and Additional Services: Some learners may require flexible scheduling or additional services like accommodation arrangements, airport transfers, or visa assistance. Check if the school can accommodate these needs.

Obviously compared to a few years backs more and more people notice that Medellin is a great place to learn Spanish. Back in the days only few backpackers dared to take classes here. But the situation has change massively in the last few years.

Recently more and more Spanish schools pop out of the ground particularly in Medellin. You will certainly find other countries in South America where learning Spanish is cheaper than in Colombia but it is not always the lowest price that matters but the combination of many other things. And in this case one of the other things could be that Colombia is simply stunning.

Practice A Level Spanish with Kate from Katemarialanguages


Which Course and Where?

First you should decide if you rather practice in groups or in private lessons. I think if you just start to learn a new language and you are new in a foreign country it might be good to start in a group in order to meet people and make some contacts. A person of an advanced level or someone who needs to learn Spanish very quickly ought to consider private classes. You will see in the list below that private lessons are actually not much more expensive than classes in groups.

Another choice you should take is weather you’d rather like to go to a proper language school or make a course at a university. As I mentioned already before I participated in either of the two options and both experiences were throughout positive. In case you want to stay longer than 180 days in the country which is the maximum stay with a Tourist Visa you might want to consider signing up as a language student at the university. Attending classes at the university will enable you the possibility to get an extended student Visa. This Visa will be valid for the duration of your course. Schools usually have more different courses to choose from.

For instance you might have the possibility to make a special business Spanish course, get a private teacher or even have someone to give your classes at home in your apartment. Also the offer of activities is usually better than at the universities. Apart from daytrips and events there might also be a combination of language tuition with Salsa or Bachata dance Classes or even volunteer work. Additionally some offer Homestays where you can live with a Colombian family. This will not only urge you to speak Spanish all the time but you will also get a more inside impression on the Colombian culture.

Enhancing Your Spanish Learning Experience in Medellín

To make the most of your Spanish lessons in Medellín, engage with the city and its people. Additionally you can take advantage of language exchange programs. There you can improve your Spanish skills and socialize at the same time. These programs that I will also recommend at the end of this post are a great way to improve your Spanish very quickly.

Another great way to enhance your understanding of the language is through listening to Colombian music or watching TV with Subtitles. Me personally I always looked up the lyrics of a song I really liked and then translated these lyrics into my own language. A nice side effect will be that you will be able to sing a long with the Colombians on a party.

Obviously there will be usually plenty of work material provided by your teacher but you might want to start practicing before going to Colombia or even have some additional workbooks at hand. A booked that helped me very much at the beginning is the book 501 Spanish verbs. It includes the most used and common verbs. Even though this book is not aligned to Colombian Spanish this is a very helpful lecture with plenty of features and learning options.


Language schools in Medellin

Toucan Spanish School

The Toucan Spanish School (former Medellin language Academy)employs high-skilled teachers and offers frequent activities. The intensive course is from Monday to Friday ( 20 hours) and cost 420,000 COP (162 USD). Private classes are at 44,000 COP (17 USD) per hour at school and 46,000 COP (18 USD) per hour at your private home. At the Toucan Spanish school I used to have a private teacher who visited me at home and I tool classes at the school in El Poblado. From personal experience I can highly recommend the Toucan language school.


20 hours in a group 420,000 (162 USD)

Private classes 1 hour 44,000 COP (17 USD)

Private classes at home 1 hour 46,000 COP (18 USD)



Centro Interactivo de Español (Envigado)

The school is located in Envigado between the metro station Envigado and Ayura and not far from El Poblado. This school is relatively new and I didn’t attend classes there myself.  Thes price for costs for 20 group classes are 395,000 COP (152 USD).


20 hours in a group 395,000 COP (152 USD)

Private classes 1 hour 39,000 COP (15 USD)

Private classes at home 1 hour 43,000 COP (16.50 USD)


EAFIT – Spanish School Medellin

The EAFIT is a private University located close to the metro station Aguacatala in El Poblado. Here I attended my first Spanish course. The teachers are very competent and classes consist of 2 – 8 people. In total the EAFIT offers 14 courses with different Spanish levels. One course consists of 38 hours and usually goes from Monday till Friday. When I started the cost for 38 hours were 750,000 COP unfortunately the price increased a little over the last 3 years and it is now 910,000 COP. The material you work with is great but has to be bought separately.


38 hours in a group 910,000 COP (355 USD)



Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana – Centro de Lenguas

Email: espex@upb.edu.co


Universidad de Antioquia

Email: martin.jimenez@udea.edu.co


Colombia Immersion (Envigado)

With a focus on conversational Spanish and practical application, Colombia Immersion in the Laureles neighborhood provides a unique learning experience tailored to real-life use of the language.

Email: info@colombiaimmersion.com


Nueva Lengua – Escuela de Español

Email: contactenos@nuevalengua.com


Social Spanish – Classes with Violet

Email: teacherviolet@gmail.com

Facebook page


Language exchange:

At the Wandering Paisa Hostel there is a language exchange every Thursday evening or as well in The Baarrio Sur Cafe in Envigado. People usually start strolling in between 8 – 9pm.

Meetup is a website where you can find and create groups for a language exchange. ->Meetup



Learning Spanish in Medellín offers more than just language acquisition; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in Colombian culture, connect with locals, and experience the city’s warmth and hospitality firsthand. By selecting the right Spanish school in Medellín, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey that extends far beyond traditional language learning, embracing the rich cultural tapestry of Colombia along the way.



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One thought on “Learn Spanish in Medellin | Best Medellin Language Schools | Lessons

  1. Hi Julian,

    That’s a great post on Medellin. I also studied Spanish there, and I think deciding whether to get private lessons or group lessons is an important decision as you said. I think getting Spanish Classes in Medellin is best. I went to Colombia Immersion in Envigado near centro Medellin and I would highly recommend it. It gives a mix of Spanish classes and living with people who have the same goal of learning Spanish.

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