My name is Julian, I am working for a respectable German company abroad, to be exact in Medellin, Colombia. I always wanted to go to South America and as it happened Colombia was my first destination. After I had seen big parts of this amazing country I extended my desire to travel to the rest of Latin America. And like this I started to travel to Panama, Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador. At some point I got the idea to write down all my experiences within Colombia and Medellin. And soon my first blog developed. After I had noticed that I really enjoy writing about my adventures and the feedback for my Colombian blog was really great I got the idea to a new blog, which should not be limited to Colombia only anymore. Unfortunately I am not a native English speaker but I still want to present my blog to wider parts of the world and this is why I am going to try to write this blog in German and English.

In my blog I try to combine personal experiences with useful information. If you like my blog feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.
In case you are interested in advertising on or you have question about countries that are not answered in my blog, please feel free to contact me via the contact form on my page or send an email to
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